Selected Conference Presentations

  • Metis Wellness Conference (Saskatoon) 2022;
  • Walking the Path Conference (Whitehorse) 2020;
  • National Adlerian Society Conference (Vancouver) 2017
  • Canadian Psychology Association (Victoria) 2016;
  • Canadian Psychology Association (Vancouver) 2014;
  • First Congress on the Construction of Meaning (Vancouver) 2014;
  • Canadian Assoc. of Suicide Prevention: 2013, 2012, 2000, 1996;
  • National Conference on Mental Health: 2012, 2013;
  • National Aboriginal Health Conference: 2009;
  •  First Nations Mental Health Conference: 2009;
  • Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC: 2008;
  • Aboriginal Suicide Prevention Conference: 2006, 2001;
  • Residential School Healing Conference: 2002;
  • American Psych. Assoc. Diversity Conf.: 2001 (poster);
  • International Association of Suicide Prevention: 1997;
  • Healing the Effects of Inter-Generational Trauma: 1997;
  • American Assoc. of Suicidology Conference: 1995;
  • and many other Provincial and local conferences